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Letter from Israel No 46 (Shofetim)

All of Israel feels the pain at the brutal murder of six of our hostages because we are one family.  This is also made the more difficult to bear when very few in the world condemn Hamas or bring the perpetrators to justice. They rather condemn Israel and even impose partial arms embargos on Israel. They ignore the fact that Israel is one of the most law-abiding countries in the World, based on Judaism’s high regard for justice, and was only forced to react to attacks that continue against us.

The Torah impresses us to uphold righteous laws administered in righteous courts of law and presided over by righteous judges who have not been sullied by any bribery or corruption. Verdicts, especially involving capital offences, must be arrived at only after careful consideration. The Torah also obligates the king to uphold the law rather than to be above the law. And he must read the Torah and always have a Sefer Torah with him.

Just as society has an obligation to uphold the law, so does every individual and this translates into our everyday lives, by not being too hasty to judge others.  The Pirkei Avot teaches us: “Do not judge your friend until you reach his place.” Do not jump to negative conclusions until you fully comprehend where that person is and fully appreciate what challenges he or she is going through. And even when that person is judged to be in the wrong, try to understand why that person is behaving in such a way. And when we have compassion for others, let us hope that we will be treated in the same way. As Hillel says: “דעלך סני לחברך לא תעביד ־ זו היא כל התורה כולה – That which is hateful to you do not do to your neighbour – this is the whole Torah.”

Thus, in Israel we will continue to live as we Jews always behave with justice and compassion as a key element, and we will also continue to defend ourselves as we must at the present time.

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